It all started with the inheritance of my mother’s paint. She was a gifted artist only after the age of 65. With some time off I had a suddeb brainwave halfway during my first painting. Before I knew it, I had posted a challenge on all my socials with #IpassBy. I promised to make a painting every day for a month! #oeps Looking back, this was ’the’ best way to start. Just by doing it and learning from mistakes.
And so my adventure started 🙂
Day 1 > Tree dimensional interactions look simple but sometimes …
When the money is gone.
Day 2 > A Dutch proverb “een gat in je hand” results in ..
Green – Golf
Day 3 > A mental game that never gets boring. So does this painting.
Day 4 >A painting also deserves ambilight as a modern television.
Day 5 > Simplicity creates joy.
Day 6 > The logo of Arnhem embedded in the municipal boundaries. I gave this to the city council at my farewell. The outer colors (black and yellow) are from the Vitesse soccer club.
Red tree
Day 7 > The roots of trees may be as beautiful as ..
A day on Earth
Day 8 > Everything arises in the universe and so does that one day on earth.
Day 9 > Comic books, villains and especially heroes. In this work …
Intro dans
Day 10 > An ode to Introdans from Arnhem for their 50th anniversary.
Pink lady
Day 11 > This painting is completely pink. However, if you look closely, you will see a woman’s face.
Day 12 > Flowers on a table.
Shade 1.0
Day 13 > The light makes the painting different every moment of the day.
Day 14 > The periodic table but in the beginning.
painting above
Day 15 > In the past, many ceiling painters were made in churches. This is the simple contemporary “variant”.
Day 16 > A recycled frame, some time and this is how this painting evolved. The woman inflates a balloon that plops. The elements that are released are the new stars for others.
Shade 2.0 + HUE
Day 17 > The light makes the painting different every moment of the day. In the evening, the HUE lamp takes over the magic.
Hashtag art
Day 18 > A hashtag is a metadata tag included in a post on social media websites and applications such as TikTok, Telegram, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google+ and YouTube to easily find a post or all posts with that tag. It connects.
Day 19 > simple but what do you look at first. The shape, the darkness or..
Red Eye
Day 20 > A red eye can be because the eye is irritated, but it can also be the red eye that is watching us. Both are not pleasant, but they are reality that you have to deal with.
Day 21> small but beautiful and colorful. Often hidden in and around the forest.
DoeMaar tribute
Day 22 > One of the best Dutch bands ever.
Sunset sail
Day 23 >Daydreaming of a trip to anywhere. The journey itself is already …
Day 24 > Who doesn’t hope there ever will be …
Landscape 101
Day 25 > My first landscape. Can tell a lot about it, but then that was afterwards.
Day 26 > Messing around like a child. If you did that on the wall you had to stand in the corner afterwards. Unless it was suddenly beautiful.
Day 27 > The outer planks come from our picnic table. In the middle attempts how to paint wood. This work (unfortunately) does not exist.
Copy Rembrant
Day 28 > It is a copy of a self-portrait by Rembrant. Now I can say that mine is more truthful and if you want to see it that way, it is just as true.
Day 29 > Inclusion is important. Over time we will know more and more who we have (unintentionally) excluded. But when are we all inclusive? To stimulate that conversation this robot with nail polish.
Day 30 > The last work of my first ART challenge. In this painting the goose plate. Each box is one of the previous paintings. Slowly they disappear (someday) into thin air.
And next > a Prison project